Interventional {{label}}

Phase 3 Study of MCI-186 for Treatment of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis


{{trial.Sponsor}} {{trial.Sponsor}}
Approved by FDA
Approved outside USA
Is a supplement


Enrollment Criteria

{{trial.ExternalId}} (First Published: {{trial.FirstPublishedDate|date}} on {{trial.SourceName}})
The primary objective of the study is to confirm the efficacy of 60 mg of MCI-186 via intravenous drip infusion once a day in the patients with ALS based on the changes in the revised ALS functional rating scale (ALSFRS-R) scores after 24 weeks administration in double-blind, placebo-controlled manner. The study is also to examine the safety of MCI-186 to the ALS patients.

Two ampoules (60 mg) of MCI-186 injection are intravenously administered once a day, for successive 14 days, followed by 14 days observation period (first cycle). The following treatment (10 days' administration during 14 days) - observation (14 days) cycle is repeated five times (2nd-6th cycles).
Drug: Placebo
Two ampoules of placebo injection are intravenously administered once a day, for successive 14 days, followed by 14 days observation period (first cycle). The following treatment (10 days' administration during 14 days) - observation (14 days) cycle is repeated five times (2nd-6th cycles).
Drug: MCI-186 in open label phase
All patients after the double blind phase may receive MCI-186 in 7th until 12th treatment - observation cycles at the patients' will.

Both gender 20-75. “Definite ALS” or “probable ALS” diagnosis. Can eat a meal, excrete, move alone. Less than 2 years after onset. Exclusion: Parkinson's disease, schizophrenia, dementia, renal failure, or other severe complication, anamnesis of hypersensitivity to edaravone. Pregnancy or lactation, participation in other trials within 12 weeks.

{{location.City !== '' ? location.City + ',' : ''}} {{location.RegionAbbreviation}} {{location.PostalCode}} {{location.Country}}
{{location.Facility !== '' ? location.Facility + ',' : ''}} {{location.City !== '' ? location.City + ',' : ''}} {{location.RegionAbbreviation}} {{location.PostalCode}} {{location.Country}}
Location Contact: {{location.Contact.Name}} {{location.Contact.Name}} Phone: {{location.Contact.Phone}}
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ALS Research Collaborative
Thank You to Our Sponsors
Mitsubishi Tanabe Pharma